Hazy Sunshine Is Up on Amazon

My fourth novel, Hazy Sunshine, just went up on Amazon. This is the third book in the “Sunshine Series.”

Like the first two Sunshine books, Purple Sunshine and Sunshine Blues, this story is another slice from the lives of Jimmy Hayes and his hippy girlfriend, Gloria, AKA Sunshine. And as usual, they are in a heap of trouble.

It’s 1970. Vietnam vet Jimmy’s dreams of rock and roll success have come true. But what’s happened to Sunshine? She used to hold him tight when he had his nightmares. Now she hangs up when he calls. Worse, she’s wanted for kidnapping a two-year-old boy, and for murder.

 Maybe she’s had it with Vietnam vets. Everybody knows they’re ticking timebombs.

Well, Jimmy’s about to explode.


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